Guide for Authors

Types of Publications

There is no limit for the length of manuscripts, except for more than 10 pages, the cost will increase by 50 Egyptian bounds/ page for Egyptians and 5 dollars/page for non-Egyptians.  Make sure that the subject and method section is written in details so that the study can be reproduced. 

When submitting the Manuscript to TEAR, be sure that it is neither published in another Journal nor been under consideration for publication in any other journal. TEAR accept article types as follows:

Research Articles: Original research manuscripts. The journal considers all research manuscripts provided that the work reports scientifically sound experiments and provides a substantial amount of new information.

Reviews: These provide concise and comprehensive updates on the “State of the Art” in a given area of research.

Submission Process

Manuscripts for TEAR should be submitted by email

The corresponding author, is the author who submits the manuscript and Follows up the research with the editorial board and during the reviewing process until it is approved. The corresponding author must ensure that all co-authors accepted the submitted form of the manuscript.

Accepted File Formats

The manuscript should be submitted in a word format, 12 point-font, Times New Roman, one and halve space.

Cover Letter

Each manuscript must contain a cover letter that includes the significance of the research paper and how it fits to the scope of the journal. 

Manuscript Preparation

General Considerations

  • Research manuscripts should include:
    • Title, Author list and Affiliations
    • Abstract, and Keywords
    • Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion and Conclusions.
    • Supplementary Materials (if found), Acknowledgments, Conflicts of Interest and  References
  • Title: The title of your manuscript should be concise, specific and relevant. It should identify if the study reports trial data or is a systematic review, meta-analysis.
  • Author List and Affiliations: Authors' last name, the first and second name initials must be provided. Affiliation (may be more than one) should be included.
  • Abstract: The abstract should be a total of about 300 words maximum. The abstract should be structured as a single paragraph and should include: 1) Background: highlight the purpose of the study; 2) Methods: Describe the main methods and study design. 3) Results: Summarize the article's main findings; and 4) Conclusion: Indicate the main conclusions or interpretations.
  • Keywords:  five to Six specific keywords need to be added after the abstract. Introduction: The introduction should include the importance of the study, the rational, discrepancies between the study and previous ones and including specific hypotheses being tested.

Materials and Methods: Author should describe the new methods and protocols in details to be allowed for replication when possible. Safety considerations should be described, including any procedures that are hazardous, any reagents that are toxic, and any procedures requiring special precautions in detail.

  • Results: Provide a description of the experimental results, including figures and tables.
  • Discussion: Authors should interpret the results and compare it with previous studies. The limitations of the work should be highlighted. Recommendations may be mentioned.
  • Conclusions: It is mandatory, and should contain a brief summary of the research findings.
  • Patents: If any patents resulting from the work it should be reported in the manuscript.

Supplementary Materials: The title of each supplementary material should be clear and should be referred to within the research.

  • Acknowledgments: Funding agencies should be disclosed and acknowledged.
  • Conflicts of Interest: Authors must declare that no conflict of interest. If any intervention from the sponsor as regards the choice of the research idea, design of the study, and manuscript writing must be declared. 
  • Ethical Guidelines for the Use of Animals in ResearchThe study should be accepted from the relevant ethics committee and the research identification code, date of approval and name of the ethics committee should be cited in the Methods section. Authors should ensure that the experimental work has been conducted in accordance with relevant national legislation on the use of animals for research. The research should have complied with the commonly-accepted '3Rs': Replacement, Reduction, and Refinement.

English Corrections

  • If required, English correction can be provided by experts from the Scientific and linguistic audit center of Suez Canal University.
  • References: References should be written in Harvard style.


These should be mentioned in a separate section at the end of the article before the references.  


Citation in text 

Citation refers to the source that is mentioned in the body of the paper. Authors have to ensure that all cited references in the text should be present in the reference list (and vice versa). If the authors cite a reference "in press", it implies that the item has been accepted for publication.  

Text: All citations in the text should refer to: 

In-text citations of Harvard referencing contain the author (s)’s or editor (s)’s surname, year of publication and page number (s). 

1. Single author: the surname of the author (without initials) and the year of publication. 

2. Two authors: surnames of both authors and the year of publication. 

3. Three or more authors: surname of the first author followed by "et al." and the year of publication. 

4- In case of Citing Different Editions of the same work for the same author, the surname of the author should be written once followed by all the appropriate years of publication separated by semicolons in One Parentheses. 

1-     Citation of books in the text should be cited by the author's name(s) and the year of publication.  

Reference List: References refer to a list of the sources that is cited. References should be listed alphabetically (Harvard Style). 

  • When different articles were written by the same first author but with different second authors, the references should be listed according to the surname of the first author's and then according to the second author's surname.

  •  Articles written by the same first author with more than one co-author should be listed alphabetically according to the first author's surname and then according to the year of publication.

  •  If more than one reference to the same first author surname with the same publication year, a letter should be suffixed to the year (a, b, c etc.), indicating the alphabetical order of the second or third author surname.

  • References to books should include the author (s)’s surname, Initials, publication year, title, edition, city of publication, and the publisher.

  • References from a Chapter in an Edited Book, should include the author (s)’s surname, Initials, publication year, title of chapter, in editor (s) surname and initials (eds.) Title of the book, edition, city of publication, and the publisher.

  • References to periodicals should include the author (s)’s surname, Initials, publication year, title, Journal name, volume, Issue, pages.

  • References from the website should include the author (s)’s surname, Initials, publication year, title (Online). Available at: http://www.... (Accessed: date…..)  

Journal abbreviations source 

Journal names should be abbreviated according to Index Medicus journal abbreviations: